
Do you need more information? Contact me info@placetobeprofessionalorganizer.com





PlaceToBe Professional Organizer

Do you need more information? Contact me info@placetobeprofessionalorganizer.com​

PlaceToBe Professional Organizer

Do you need more information? Contact me info@placetobeprofessionalorganizer.com​

Nice to meet you
My name is Federica, and I am a Certified KonMari® method consultant and a Professional Organizer.

Nice to meet you
My name is Federica, and I am a Certified KonMari® method consultant and a Professional Organizer.


Federica, certified KonMari® Method Consultantt and Professional Organizer

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www.placetobeprofessionaloganizer.com @ 2022

Website created by Flazio Experience

www.placetobeprofessionaloganizer.com @ 2022

Website created by Flazio Experience



Interested in working with me? Book your complimentary call today


Mine is a story of constant change. I am a wife and mom of 3 children...born in 3 different countries!

I moved in 2 continents, 4 countries, 8 cities, with many difficulties but a suitcase full of experiences.

I studied in Rome and Valencia, worked in Madrid, Milan, and Paris, and then...the American dream. I lived in Michigan, now I live in Minnesota, and tomorrow...who knows. 

I'm telling you this because, in other words, I never stayed in the same place for more than five years. To feel at home, I always had to make the space I was living as MINE. That's how I realized that finding our place in the world means going in search of that connection that is created between the place we live in and the way we make it our own. We need to adapt it to us and our needs.


It is from this awareness that I've created PlaceToBe Professional Organizer. I chose this name because I like to think that dedicating oneself to one's spaces and organizing them is a great opportunity; you can get back in touch with yourself, balance, and serenity. Wherever you are in the world. And when you feel comfortable in the place where you spend your time, then yes, you have the feeling that you are in the right place. You are happy to live it. Here you can decide to transform your environments and finally get rid of chaos to tidy up and feel better. Because tidying up your spaces means tidying up your mind as well.


It is a beautiful journey from which you come out transformed, happy and satisfied. Getting started is not easy, I know. But often having the courage to begin is the first step toward change. I will follow you on this journey: nice to meet you, My name is Federica, I'm a certified KonMari® Method Consultant, Professional Organizer, and APOI member. My job is to observe clutter, simplify, arrange, organize. I help eliminate the superfluous to make room for the things that bring joy into your life. I guide you step by step toward powerful and gentle transformation with method and organization, without ever judging you.



Things scattered about me (actually no, I've put them in order)

  • I experienced what it is like to live first in the 300 square feet of a Parisian apartment and then in the large space of an American house. This helped me get to know different types of environments up close.
  • I have done dozens of moves. Let's just say that organization is definitely my thing.
  • I live in the United States, in Minneapolis, the City of Lakes, of Prince, and of icy winters.
  • I love my work because it allows me to help people believe more in themselves. I want to help welcoming change as an opportunity to turn their lives around. By helping others to be happier and more fulfilled, so am I.
  • I left my previous carrier and I decided to invest in this project because I choose to do what I really love. I strongly believe that every change is a rebirth... for me, it was like that.

Do you want to know more about

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the KonMari® Method?

1. It is The Japanese Method that transforms your space and your life. ​
2. A complete tidying path that proceeds by categories: clothes, books, papers, Komono (miscellaneous), and sentimental items;

3. Tidying up is a special event, not something you do every day.​
4. A definitive and simple approach to tidying up that does not suffer the spillover effect. ​
5. A way to regain the joy of feeling in tune with your space. Because in the end, you will have kept with you only what makes you happy.

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Do you want to know more about


APOI is the Italian Association of Professional Organizer. The Professional Organizer can manage different sectors (home, family, work, relocations, chronic disorganization) and he helps his clients though a specific method in order to improve their lives.


PlaceToBe Professional Organizer

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PlaceToBe Professional Organizer. Ask for consultation.
To improve and open up to a change you always start from the first step: deciding to rely on a professional who can help you. Look forward to hearing from you!