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PlaceToBe Professional Organizer

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PlaceToBe Professional Organizer

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My name is Federica, and I am a Certified KonMari® method consultant and a Professional Organizer.

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My name is Federica, and I am a Certified KonMari® method consultant and a Professional Organizer.

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…getting rid of the superflous is not that difficult?

2022-05-03 14:48


…getting rid of the superflous is not that difficult?

How to declutter is the dilemma that plagues those who think they can't fully get rid of what they no longer need.

How to declutter is the dilemma that plagues those who think they can't fully get rid of what they no longer need.

In 2014 Marie Kondo published "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up," a book that would change many people's lives, including mine. Living in a simple, lightened, clutter-free space. This is a minimal logic that starts from a special premise: the secret to being happy is to keep only the objects that spark joy. We don’t need the rest.

For someone it might be impossible to get rid of something because it causes emotional troubles. If you think about it, sometimes the emotional value we place on objects, or clothes, outweighs the financial value.

What decluttering means

From the English clutter. The goal of decluttering is to make a space, now saturated, livable again by removing the superfluous.

Before understanding how to declutter, it is important to understand why we need to do it. The answer is simple: we often surround ourselves with items that we no longer need. Sometimes we keep stuff just because they are gifts (but we never liked them) or we keep items that we bought just because the impulse of the moment.

Every object means more or less something. The truth is that when we accumulate, we make complicate our lives. This is why we waste a lot of time looking for something or remembering where we might have put it.

Decluttering helps us to:
§ Know exactly where our items are.
§ Have no more clothes and linens crumpled or piled up at the bottom of drawers
§ Feel good living in a space that we like.

Decluttering and the KonMari® Method

Decluttering becames useless if we get tempted to fill empty spaces right away. That's why the KonMari® Method becomes a valuable ally: it helps to arrive to a final solution and avoid the spillover effect.

The KonMari® Method is different from classic organizing. The secret is that everything that doesn't make you happy should be discarded, donated, or given away. But remember that the focus is not on what you have to discard, but on what you want to keep. So decluttering becomes a liberating act, an activity that improves your life.

Decluttering: keep or discard?

That's the problem. It is not always easy because sometimes get rid of an object becomes an unpleasant, sad, or even painful moment. So, what to do when you look at your space and feel like you are sailing blindly through chaos?

Learning to let go is a great way to make space, get rid of what clutters to simplify, and find joy just thinking of reclaiming your space.

Being able to take this first step is not easy, which is why a Professional Organizer can become an invaluable guide on this journey. He or she can help you discover that getting rid of the superfluous is not that difficult if there is someone showing you the way. Don't worry, the Professional Organizer doesn't come to your home to throw everything away: it's always your choice what to get rid of and what to keep.

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